3 Tips for Ensuring Storage Unit Safety

Storage Facility

July 13th, 2021

When keeping your personal items in a storage facility, it’s extremely important to feel that they’re protected. You’ll want to know that the 75-year-old photo of your great grandparents stays in great condition and out of harm’s way.In order to keep your belongings safe and sleep well at night, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your items will be protected. Let’s take a closer look at how you can make sure your belongings are safe.

Know What You’ve Stored Away It’s extremely important to write down everything you’ve put into your storage unit prior to close the doors. It’s also important to write down the monetary value of each thing you store away. Doing this will help you in terms of insurance purposes. If something were to somehow go missing, you’ll be able to assess the situation and go from that point.You can also make a map of where certain items are stored within your storage space. Each household in the United States has an average of 300,000 things in them, which means there are a lot of items to select from to put into your storage unit. If you have a ton of belongings in your unit, it may be hard to find specific things if you don’t know exactly where they are. Making a map can help you keep track of where everything is.

Use a Reliable Lock If you get a cheap lock, chances are it could break off, giving anyone access to your personal belongings. Cylinder or disc locks are suggested, as they are harder to cut into. Getting one with a passcode can help avoid anyone else getting into your storage facility.

Make Sure Your Items are Clear of Element Damage Not only should you consider what you can do to keep your items safe from the outside, it’s also important to keep them safe from the inside of the storage unit. Making sure that your items are in airtight containers or flame-proof packaging will help to keep them in pristine condition.When keeping your personal belongings in storage units, keep in mind the protocols you should follow to keep everything safe and sound. Follow the tips above to ensure you will take your belongings out just as you put them in.